About the Guild Recruit Board
Here you can view recruiting Guilds and search for new members that meet your specific requirements.

[Recruiting Guild Members]
・Tap on the [Post] button and select the member conditions to make a post.
・Only the Guild Leader and Sub Leader can make a post. Other Guild members will be able to see the post the Guild Leader or Sub Leader has made if they tap this button.
・Only one post can be made per Guild.
・Posts can be overwritten and updated.

[Guild Language Settings]
-Select the main language of the Guild in the ""Guild Settings"" menu which can be accessed from the ""Guild Profile"" page. The language selected here will be displayed on the Guild's profile in the Guild Recruit Board.

[Searching for a Guild]
・Enter your required conditions and tap [Search] to display up to 20 Guilds at random that meet those conditions.
・Guilds that require approval to join will have an [Apply] button displayed in the top-right corner of their recruit post, and Guilds that don't will have a [Join] button displayed.