Improving Gear Skills
[How to Improve Gear Skills]
The level of a Gear piece's Skill can be increased if an Augmentation with certain conditions is performed.
Raising a Skill's level will increase the power of its effect.

*Skill levels do not increase through Reforging.

[About Skills]
Some Gear pieces have Skills.
Skills have a variety of different effects.
Monster Skills are activated when a Unison Skill is used in battle.

Viewing Skill Information
Tap and hold on the Gear you want to view more information about on the Gear screen. If that piece of Gear has a Skill, there will be a description of it in the Gear details.

Viewing Currently Equipped Gear Skills
To view all Skills on the Gear you currently have equipped, tap the [Skills] button near the top-right of the Gear screen.