Guild Battles
Guild Battles are held between up to 10 members of each Guild.
Participating in Guild Battles can award Medals, Proficiency, Experience, and other rewards.
You must be a member of a Guild to participate in Guild Battles.

[Victory Conditions]
The object of Guild Battles is to destroy the Crystal being defended by the opposing Guild.
You must first defeat five members of the opponent Guild to activate Crystal Assault mode.

During Crystal Assault you will be able to attack the enemy's Crystal.
The Guild who successfully attacks and destroys their opponent's Crystal first wins.
If neither Guild's Crystal is destroyed before the end of the Battle, the Guild with the most Crystal HP remaining will be deemed the winner. If both Guilds end with the exact same amount of Crystal HP, the Battle will end in a draw.

[How to Join a Guild Battle]
When a Guild Battle is underway, tap the League button in the top-right corner of the game screen or the button in the center at the bottom of the screen to join.

Members who have just joined the Guild within one hour since the Guild Battle was started will not be able to participate in the Guild Battle.